《心理学探新》 过刊查询页面

    关键词中包括 cognitive model 的文章

1 Risky Decision Making of Adolescents in Junior High School with Cognitive Modelinganalysis:The Roles of Self-esteem and Gender
刘笑笑1,辛 涛2通讯作者:辛涛,E-mail:xintao@bnu.edu.cn。,林 喆1,刘彦楼3,孙小坚2
2018年04期 [319-325][Abstract](791)[pdf 896KB](424)
2 The Exploratory Study of Cognitive Stages in Problem-Finding Process
2011年31卷04期 [332-337][Abstract](1618)(141)
3 The Developing of the Geometric Analogical Reasoning Test under Cognitive  Design System and Establishing of Cognitive Model
2011年31卷03期 [278-283][Abstract](1716)(44)
4 The Construction and Compares of Cognitive Models for Item Generation——Taking the Matrix Completion Problems for Example
2010年30卷03期 [56-62][Abstract](1494)[pdf 906KB](1377)